Think About it Thursday

The kids in the after school program ended the school year with the best Think About it Thursday yet. We created a crazy chemistry conccotion which is very similiar in texture to the Nickelodeon GAK.

Here is the recipe to create your own!

One 4 oz. bottle of Elmer's Glue (it has to be regular glue - washable will not work!)
Approximately 1/4c of water
Approximately 1T of Borax (common cleaning product available at Brookshires)
Food coloring

1) Empty the glue bottle in to a bowl.
2) Fill the glue bottle with warm water and swish around.
3) Add food coloring.
4) Add the water and glue and mix.
5) Add approximately 1T Borax to approximately 1/4c of warm water; mix until completely dissolved.
6) Slowly add Borax mixture to glue mixture.

If your goo is too watery, add more of the borax mixture until it reaches the desired consistency.

Hope you have a great time with your goo! Join us at the Smithville Public library on Thursdays at 3pm for the Summer Think About it Thursdays. Visit our webpage, under the summer section, for more information.
Nicholas peers through his creation!
Kimberlin adds the magic ingredient (borax)


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